About CBA
About CBA
At every level from kindergarten to high school, enrollment at CBA means a solid academic education that gives a firm foundation for lifelong learning. At CBA students continually achieve superior results with the traditional approach to teaching and learning they experience, and parents are amazed each year at how much their children have accomplished. Through participating in music, athletics, and other extracurricular opportunities, students further develop the leadership attributes they’ve begun to learn about in their classes. Dedicated, professional, Christian faculty commit themselves to helping their students succeed. With classes small enough for each student to receive individual attention, faculty get to know each student and work to develop their potential.
Mainland Baptist Christian School, a ministry of Mainland Baptist Church, began under the direction of Pastor Dean F. Bult in 2003. The burden of Pastor Bult, was to provide a quality Christian education for children of all ages.
When the school began, the first student body consisted of 5 Pre-K and 1 Kindergarten students. In 2008, the school name was changed to Champion Baptist Academy, to complement our vision: “Partnering with Parents in Training Champions for Christ!
The ultimate goal and purpose of Champion Baptist Academy is to lead boys and girls to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and then train them in the knowledge of God, the Christian way of life, and to offer them an excellent education.
Our desire is to partner with the parents in raising their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and thus equipping them to identify, evaluate, and relate properly to life’s challenges.
Wisdom and knowledge come from God; therefore, man’s education is complete only when God and His Word are at the center of all learning. “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge (Prov. 1:7)”. As Christian educators, we are concerned with the total person: his intellectual, spiritual, physical, and social being.
We believe the needs of the total person can only be met as approached from a Christian or Biblical philosophy. “But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him( I Cor. 8:6)”.
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